2021 Music Match Online Workshop


How to use this page:  Begin playing the heeling video, pause the video and mute it.  Then click on one of the music option links to open the YouTube music video in a new window.  Note that many YouTube music videos have ads that run before the music starts (and the ads can usually be skipped after a few seconds, if you wish to do that).  It may be a good idea to stay on the YouTube page to make sure the music you are hearing is not advertisement music.  

Return to this page and play the heeling video to see the match! 

Click here to see our Music Matching Tips.  

On Stage Now...

Team #15 Lisa and Bailey
Pug/Chihuahua (Chug) (4 yo F)

Team #14 Jean and Tuvok
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (7 yo M)

Team #13 Jeannine and Jacki
Greyhound (7 yo F)

Team #12 Carolyn and DaisyRay
Shetland Sheepdog (7 1/2yo F)

Team #11 Jean and T'pau
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever ( 2 1/2yo F)

Team #10 Claudine and Augie
Australian Shepherd (5 yo M)

Team #9 Kim and MyLea
Border Collie (10 yo F)

Team #8 Lisa and Lexi
Japanese-Chin/Chihuahua (Chin-chi) (10 yo F)

Team #7 Jeannine and Gandhi
Curly coated Retriever (7 1/2 yo M)

Team #6 Carolyn and Tillie
Westie (11yo F)

Team #5 Lisa and Scarlett
Dachshund/Chihuahua (Chiweenie) (13 yo F)

Team #4 Karen and Otis
Collie/Heeler (9 yo M)

Team #3 Kim and Viper
Miniature Poodle (6 1/2yo F)

Team #2 Carolyn and Trooper
Toy Australian Shepherd (3.75yo M)

Team #1 Jeannine and Gandhi and Jacki

Curly Coated Retriever (7 1/2yo M) and Greyhound (7 yo F)